Our approaches are always applied by trained and certified consultants.
These individuals are well versed in ensuring that the approaches employed comply with the appropriate code of ethics.

More specifically, they ensure:
safeguarding the confidentiality of all personal data and results, reserving use of these tools for actions intended to develop professional efficiency, providing results solely to those individuals directly concerned, and implementing approaches according to a process that guarantees a high-quality application. We certify all consultants, internal coaches and HR team members in strict compliance with a stringent protocol that assures the quality of each approach introduced.

For purposes of illustration, below are a few examples of the approaches we rely upon:

  • Focus leader

    Focus Leader serves to highlight the characteristics and impact of the leadership behavior exhibited by an executive team, as well as by each of its members.

    Processing the results output by a given approach entails comparison with a benchmark population that is continuously being updated, thus yielding highly-detailed personal and group profiles followed by their presentation and explanation by a certified consultant.

    The effective use of this tool, specially adapted to senior executives, in conjunction with their perception of the company's environment and strategy paves the way to:

    • drawing up an accurate assessment of a team's resources, shortcomings and future prospects when placed in a leadership situation,
    • rallying all actors involved around a set of standard benchmarks that have been identified and expressed in the most pragmatic way,
    • adding consistency to the expectations held with respect to their teams,
    • implementing and accompanying specific action plans tied to practical steps forward.
  • Focus client

    Focus Client has been designed to explain the characteristics of an impact exerted by a commercial actor, a team or an organization on the pertinent client group.

    This approach relies on a behavioral diagnostic activated as part of the client relationship, established based on a highly incisive questionnaire. Processing the results entails comparison with a benchmark population that is continuously being updated, yielding detailed personal and group profiles followed by their presentation and explanation by a certified consultant.

    Application of the Focus Client tool with a commercial team helps clarify the team's assets and impact limitations, in light of the context and products or services being primarily offered, all in the aim of:

    • drawing up an accurate assessment of a team's resources, shortcomings and future prospects in its dealings with the client,
    • explaining the efficiency criteria specific to these teams, depending on their operating environment, and rallying team members around the implementation launch,
    • implementing and accompanying specific action plans in conjunction with practical steps forward.
  • One's Day

    One's Day is a situational role play intended for senior managers. During an entire daylong session, the participant is embedded - during a simulation exercise - with the management team of the Cable Network company whose working environment differs from that of the participant, thereby making it possible to:

    • clarify and advance the process of fully grasping problem situations and the various challenges they raise,
    • highlight current techniques for proper positioning within an executive team, along with the participant's personal contribution to both the quality and operational dynamics of such a team,
    • explain the characteristics of his/her leadership practices in depth and sharpen the understanding of their impact on the participant's environment.

    A debriefing session (stimulated by reciprocal feedback) encourages the individual to take stock of the specific nature of his/her impact on the other role play participants.

    to visit the site One's Day in french

  • The Perception Survey

    Based on a questionnaire specially customized for each client, the Perception Survey serves to evaluate the perception held of the company (according to its internal and/or external stakeholders), as well as how this perception trends over time.

    This survey is derived from an exploration of 1 through 8 dimensions, including: integration, transition, ambition (from a project perspective), future prospects, operations, meaning, communication, and values.


2022-02-24 17:30

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2021-05-31 19:40

Z comme… Zen
Par Frédéric Sos - mai 2021

"Nous devons absolument rassurer nos équipes"

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